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Friday 3 September 2010

Passenger Profile #9: Neal - African Trails 'Ultimate Trans Africa' Overland Trip

  • Name: Neal
  • Age: 47
  • From: Massachusettes, US
  • Aliases: The Nutty Professor, Prof
  • Most likely to say: "Well on my last trans..." or "Adam, name the song?!"
  • Trip leg: Morocco to Cape Town

An astromony professor is the US funded by the uni to come on the trip with a MASSIVE telescope and educate the locals on the stars.

Cooked spaghetti bolognaise on 70% of cook groups, becoming a running joke (although could never actually complain with the taste of the pasghetti!)

Always to be seen with the Lonely Planet in hand.

Wore the same safari shirt and trousers for 16 days straight only to rip out of the shirt the Incredible Hulk style at the end of the trip.

Left us in Cape Town to teach at the university- might catch up with us in Ethiopia.

Made use of the free 100m drive back to camp from the cheetah park in Namibia!

The famous shirt that had seen Neal through 10 years of travels - it sadly lost it's life on the trip
Poor sleeping Yoichi!!

Funnel cut anyone?

Drowning under Mark!!

Hanging out at the Equator

Threatening to take his pants off in front of the crowds!

2 new children Neal?!

Such an attractive sleeping pose!! Trying to keep cool in Mali...


Pinning the tail on the model which Neal sadly failed miserably at!

Oh so freezing cold in Namibia

Using the 'Karen Tripod'

Neal and the Rhumsiki village chief became the beast of friends!

Ready and heavily equipped for a night in the desert

Chilling at camp one evening

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